Sunday, February 15, 2009

Aloha ! ! I'm back ! !

Finally I’m able to stand on my own two feet, clearing my head from all aches and pains from the past; I’m now taking steps towards a better life. This is my new beginning. I won’t let things drag me down anymore. YOU HEAR THAT WORLD!? I will press on. As long as I have determination I can do anything I ever hoped for. Of course I’m still hurting and memories still make me cry, but I’ve realized I can’t forget everything, and that if I did, it would certainly be a mistake. The past made me who I am, if not for what I’ve experienced so far in life who knows what type of person I’d be. I’m still developing emotionally and mentally, so I can’t stand before you today and tell you who I am- for I’m just finding out myself. Suddenly I’ve discovered a new me who’s not afraid to face the cold world with clenched fists AND an open heart, still smiling even though it hurts. Pain may be non-ceasing, and hope can fade fast, but with your support I know I can embrace life and hold on tight.

Not too long ago I wasn't actually living; or rather, I merely existed, doing the same thing day in – day out. I finally realized why I was that way. I had no goal for my life. I was never happy with my life and that is only because I choose not to be happy with it. I realized that you can’t sit on your ass waiting for happiness. It’s out there; you just have to put the effort into finding it. Happiness isn’t easy, but then again what in this world is easy now ‘a days? To me, it’s one of those things that are worth fighting for…

Recently I broke off a serious and long term relationship because I wasn’t ready to tie myself up (I know that is crudely put, but it’s the truth). I have so much life to experience yet; starting a family right now would be a regret later down the road. I don’t want to live my life regretting anything. Regret only causes second thoughts, and the last thing I would want is something to fall apart because of a regret I had. Life without love is harsh, but the reality of it all is that I’ll learn and grow from this.

I know I have a lot of learning about life to do before I can even consider myself to have an ounce of wisdom; and yet I like to think myself wiser than most young guy at my age. I’ve been through a lot in my life that made me grow up a bit more quickly than my peers. But that’s a story for another day.


ANGEL_LINA said...

Welcome back, brother.

Cheers !

Anonymous said...

finally u r back..

Anonymous said...

When you find that life's a drag, check that you've released the handbrake.